Working from home might sound like limitless pleasure to regular office goers. But it’s not as dreamy as it might appear on the surface, especially for a woman. Starting from managing household chores and looking after kids to spending time with guests, a lot pop up as obstacles in the way of a woman who has chosen to work from home. Thankfully, things can be sorted out and you can work with great productivity, even when all the things in the world seem to be happening right at your place. Wondering how? With a little time management! Here are some Time management tips for women working from home which you will immensely benefit from. Here we are giving you some Reasons Why Online Therapy is more popular than Traditional Therapy. Check out-
Time management tips for women working from home
1. Recognize the enemy-
Your television set is a savior when you are alone and idle at home. But when you are working, it sneakily transforms into your worst foe. Watching the day’s news and your favorite show won’t do any harm; just make sure you don’t lose track of time. You wouldn’t want yourself to be panicking because it’s time to go to bed already and all you have done all day is watch the TV. So, unplug it before you sit down to work.
2. Set a workable schedule-
You simply can’t start your day with cluelessness stamped on your face. You must know what you need to do and exactly when. Without a time table streamlining your work, you might find yourself doing everything other than productive work.
3. Multitasking is key-
One of the best Time management tips for women working from home would be multitasking. If you are home, working, then multitasking is something you will have to invariably do. But multitasking too needs to have some amount of orderliness. If you think you can’t cook when your baby is up, it would be wise to put your baby to sleep just before it’s time to cook. This way, you can not just cook, but also eat and work post eating, without your baby bothering you through all of that.
4. Put your tools to judicious use-
Your computer, mobile phone, the internet connection are all tools that help you work from home. But the biggest problem with them is that they can also serve as distractions. So, it’s best to be your own guide when using them. Use them appropriately, and only when required. Remember, no Time management tips for women working from home will help you if your mind chooses to be all over the place.
5. Bring some creativity to the table-
Working the whole day and not cooking any food to feed yourself or your kids would be the worst thing to do. Also, when you cook, would it be nice to overlook nutrition? No! So, use your creative streak, and come up with something like a one-pot meal with maybe meat, veggies, carbs, and spices of your choice. This is just an example of how to infuse creativity into regular chores so they consume less time while retaining quality. Bear in mind, you can be creative doing anything and everything!
6. Find out your weak areas-
Well, not literally! What we mean is that you should put some thought into what chores or activities you are not great at; what takes you really long to accomplish. Figure those chores out, and if possible put them off for a later time of the day or better yet the next holiday. It is not necessary to do all things every day. When chores are rotated over a week, you are left with the maximum time to handle office work on an everyday basis. Here we present some guide of Making The Decision To Pay For Instagram Features.
7. Do you experience a productivity dip? –
Everyone has that time of the day when they feel the least productive. All you have to do is figure out when this exactly happens, and put household chores in this slot. For instance, women get really exhausted post-lunch and all they want to do is take a nap. If you can afford a nap, then go for it. In case not, do something that keeps you up, like dusting or mopping the floor. But don’t do office work during this time- you will ruin your work, your mood, and also the time which could have otherwise been used to run errands.
8. Pretend like someone is watching you-
Out of all the Time management tips for women working from home that we have here, this one is the most peculiar. Yes, just have your imaginary boss stand right beside you throughout the time you work. Sound crazy? Well, it actually works! You can also pretend you are not at home but in the office, working to meet a deadline. This way, you will lure your brain to believe there is an urgency, and you will finish your work pretty much in time.
9. Push your personal work aside-
When you are surfing the web, it is very easy to fall into a false urgency trap. For instance, just as you open your email account to send an important mail, you remember you need to pay the power bills or check for the availability of air tickets for a trip that you need to take three months later. They will ring a false alarm of urgency in your head, coaxing you to attend to them. The solution? Don’t fall into these traps- sweet and simple!
10. Be in the right mind-
Working needs a certain frame of mind. You really can’t concentrate on your work when you are extremely happy or sad. Hence, even if something is bothering you or you have something in your mind, just keep it in the backseat so that you can focus.
Although all the above mentioned Time management tips for women working from home are time-proven and effective, their success depends entirely on how dedicatedly you put them into use. Here we have some Tips for Planning a Fun Wedding. So, follow these tips religiously, work diligently, and make the most out of your time!