Short Vote of Thanks Speech Samples For Seminars
Short Vote of Thanks Speech Samples For Seminars – Attending the meeting
I am assured that you have also got a lot from this meeting. First of all, I am thankful to the Almighty for giving us the courage and spirit to arrange this glorified event. His blessing has turned this event into a grand success.
I, on behalf of my team members and all the organizers, pass my warm thanks to all the audience for their significant presence in this meeting. I especially want to thank our chief guest respected Mr. (name) for his vital appearance.
Sir! Thanks a lot for giving us precious time in your busy schedule. It really means a lot to us. You have surely added to the charm of this event. Here I want to say thanks to our head of the institute. Sir! It was truly impossible without your motivation.
You really motivated us to give our best. I also want to say thanks to all the speakers who have entertained us with their important and worthy opinions. I want to appreciate their efforts to make this event information for all of us.
Short Vote of Thanks Speech Samples For Seminars – Function in School or College
Good morning! I offer a warm welcome to all the guests, parents, students, and teachers on this beautiful and glorious sunny day. I am really thankful for giving me a chance to deliver a vote of thanks speech to such an honorable audience.
It was really a great time with you. I am assured that you have also enjoyed a lot at this function. First of all, I am thankful to the Almighty for giving us the courage and spirit to arrange this glorified function. His blessing has turned this event into a grand success.
A special thanks to all the teachers and their students. They all work round the clock for the success of this function. Every teacher beautifully completes his assigned duties. They trained their students and guided them to perform perfectly.
All the performers were truly amazing today. They turned this function into a grand success. All the credit goes to the hard work of teachers and students. I would like to thank our supporting staff and all the volunteers.
Short Vote of Thanks Speech Samples For Seminars – Guest Speaker
I, on behalf of my institute, want to deliver a vote of thanks speech. I am really thankful to my teachers for giving me a chance to deliver this speech.
It was really informative seminar in the true sense. I am pretty sure the precious knowledge you gave us will definitely help us in our studies and future.
This seminar was truly worthy. Sir! You really motivated us to gain more and more knowledge and work hard in our respective fields.
I would also want to thank our head of institute Mr. James for giving permission for this seminar. Your motivating words and interest in this seminar mean a lot to all the students and teachers. I would like to thank our teachers for making all the arrangements.
Short Vote of Thanks Speech Samples For Seminars- Teachers on teacher`s day
We are all thankful for your words. These words really mean a lot to us and have encouraged us to respect our teachers. I extend my gratitude to our principal. Sir! We are really thankful to you for arranging this function.
I want to thank all the teachers. They are true nation builders. We fully believe that we are nothing without their guidance.
We salute you for your efforts and I have no words to say thanks. In the end, I am thankful to all the non-teaching staff, volunteers, and the people who are working in the background. They all help us to make this function a great success.
I will end my vote of thanks speech by thanking you all once again. This celebration would not be possible without your efforts. Thank you.
Short Vote of Thanks Speech Samples For Seminars – Farewell for Students
Good evening! I warmly welcome all the audience on such a soulful and beautiful eve. I hope you are enjoying it and it is quite evident from your faces. The smiles on your faces are really looking very beautiful.
We all enjoy them a lot. First of all, I am thankful to the Almighty for His grace and blessings. We have completed our educational career with success and collected a lot of memories. All Almighty has helped us a lot during this journey.
I would like to offer my thanks to our principal for making our college one of the best colleges in the city. He has always motivated us to achieve the best in life. His efforts are really fruitful in the true sense. We will always remember your valuable advice.
Thanks to all the volunteers and college administration for arranging such a glorified farewell party for all of us. Thank you all. May God bless this college even more!
Short Vote of Thanks Speech Samples For Seminars – Inaugural Function
First of all, I am thankful to the Almighty for giving us the courage to start our new journey. I hope He will help us during our journey and fulfill our dream.
I hope this institute will bring a positive change in our society and help to develop humanity on true basis. I am certain that this institute will make successful by leaps and bounds. I want to thank all the people who put their efforts to develop this institute.
At the end, I am thankful to all the staff for their efforts and arranging this function. All the speakers have beautifully added to the glory of this event. I am very gratified to all the audience for coming here and for their best wishes on this augural event.
Short Vote of Thanks Speech Samples For Seminars – Thank my Students
I myself have learned a lot. I am truly thankful to all my students for showing a very deep interest in learning. You have always been very attentive during lectures. Your questions have made me to deliver the best of my lectures.
I must appreciate your thirst for learning. You are very cheerful and bright students and I truly enjoyed having you in my class. You have always respected me and listened to me carefully. I am really blessed to have students like you.
You are really ideal students and I am certain you are going to make your prominent name in this world. Thank you for such an exceptional teaching experience with all of you. May God bless all of you!

Opening Statement
The opening statement sets the tone of the complete speech. An opening statement must have a crisp nature and should be succinct in its discourse. Therefore, it has to be perfect and must suit the seminar topic as well. All the dignitaries, participants, sponsors and the audience must be mentioned explicitly in the opening statement. Achieve big in life always dream big and work hard to get there! The name of the organization on whose behalf the thank you speech is being delivered must also be expressed clearly. Make sure that the names of the chief guests are double-checked to avoid any goof-ups during the opening statement. Care must be taken about the fact that all the names are pronounced correctly. This can be done by verifying the names beforehand and checking their pronunciations before the speech. The field on which the seminar is being conducted must also be mentioned and touched upon briefly while giving the opening statement. Prepare farewell speech for your colleagues to make them feel special.

Sample opening statement: Short Vote of Thanks Speech Samples For Seminars
Respected [name], Mr Chairman, our most valued invited guests, ladies and gentlemen! It’s my privilege to have been asked to propose a vote of thanks on this occasion. We have some awesome office posters to pump you up and make your day more productive.
Also, read [Maid of Honour Speech Examples for Best Friend]
I, on behalf of [name of the organization of the event], and the entire [other supporting/sponsoring organization, team, crew, even special guests in the audience if you like] let me call it fraternity of [field of interest] here together, and on my own behalf extend a very hearty vote of thanks to all speakers for gracing your important work and sharing with us your findings and opinions today!

Body Of The Speech
Body of the thank you speech must contain all the names of the important dignitaries. How the dignitaries are associated with the seminar must also be mentioned. Furthermore, the dignitaries can also be given a token of appreciation or a memento when delivering the thank you speech. The culmination of the seminar and the highlight must be mentioned during the speech. The speech can also contain all the key points from varies speakers and dignitaries. The speech can touch upon the effect that the seminar has had on each and every participant, and how this seminar has improved their personal or professional life. Another thing to be highlighted in the thank you speech is the new findings which can be used for conducting even more research and instigate curiosity amongst the participants and dignitaries. The dignitaries’ work can be elaborated upon by considering their contributions in line with the topic of the seminar. Some examples have been given below to make things simpler and more practical.
Also, read [Monday Quotes For Your Motivation]

Sample speech 1 Short Vote of Thanks Speech Samples For Seminars : Respected and our most distinguished Chief Guest of the day Prof ______ (name)
Respected Principle ______ (name)
Our Beloved HOD ______ (name)
Honourable professors
I deem it a great honour to propose the vote of thanks to all who have helped us in making this seminar such a resounding success.
First of all I would like to propose hearty vote of thanks to our Chief Guest Mr XXX (name) for gracing today’s Seminar. Thank you sir for your very interesting and thought provoking address.
I would like to thank our distinguished speakers Mr XXX (name) for making excellent presentations and making this Seminar interesting and meaningful.
I would like to express our profound gratitude to our principal Mr XXX (name) for his/ her presence in this seminar.
I would also like to thank our beloved HOD Mr XXX (name) for his/ her moral support and guidance.
I am happy to express vote of thanks to our Staff members who have made this seminar a grand success.
During the seminar, we have conducted a variety of events.
The on stage events such as _____, the off stage events such as _____. I thank all the people who have participated overwhelmingly and making the event success.
I would like to thank the coordinators of all the events for making this seminar a great success.
We are also grateful to all the sponsoring organisation
I would like to thank the volunteers who have been running around doing a lot of things .Thank you so much
Finally, the wonderful students who have turned up in such great numbers, not only from our department but also from other departments of the College. Thank you so much for your co-operation
Once again I thank all for your cordial co-operation.
Thank you

Sample speech 2 –Short Vote of Thanks Speech Samples For Seminars Honourable {Name}, Respected {Name}, and all the participants!
It`s my privilege to have been asked to propose a vote of thanks on this occasion.
I, on behalf of the ***** Department and the Volunteers, extend a very hearty vote of thanks to the honourable delegates who blessed us with their presence and took out valuable time of your busy schedule. I must mention our deep sense of appreciation for Mr. ****, for his work.
Also, I would like to extend a special thanks to Mr. **** for inspiring us.
I especially liked Mr. *** speech, where he mentioned (Something Important). The way he explained the topic is exemplary.
I also wish to express my gratitude to our principal Mr. ******, for providing encouragement and support.
I am very grateful to Mr. **** for giving us an opportunity to organise this event.
I heartily congratulate all the Winners and all the participants for their active participation in this event.
As no program can become successful with a single person, so I extend my BIG THANKS to our **** Department for their support and all our volunteers too. Thank you guy`s for making this event successful with your contribution.

Sample speech 3: Hello, everyone. Wow! What an event! It’s really great that this national level seminar turned out to be very successful. I am Ajay and I am here to present the vote of thanks to the people who made this event successful. I would like to take a minute and thank all of them.
First of all, I would like to thank all the speakers who shared their precious knowledge with all of us. I personally liked how Mr. Sharma highlighted the drastic change of rising industrialization on the surrounding and all the solutions that can be implemented. It’s really intelligent and thankful. I also want to thank our Principal Sir for taking efforts to make this national level seminar possible and contacting and promoting with other colleges and universities for participation. I would also like to thank all the professors for encouraging students to participate and also guiding the participants too.
This event wouldn’t have been successful without the volunteers and the students in the organizing committee. Thank you so much guys for your efforts. All the audience. Hats off to you. Thank you so much for paying your valuable attention and also suggesting with your opinions. Did you enjoy the amazing breakfast and lunch here today? Thanks to XYZ catering services for such delicious food. It’s been a great day! Thank you all of you for making this event successful with your contribution. Thank you for blessing with your presence. Now I would to officially end the event with Vande Mataram. Thank you.

Ending Of the Speech
The ending of the speech must contain statements that thank all the relevant participants of the seminar. Make sure to announce all the winners if there was a competitive event conducted in the seminar. Medal and certificate distribution can be conducted during the end of the thank you speech. Future seminar notices can also be mentioned at the end to further attract audience of a similar nature and to notify more research and findings at the future seminars. This also gives the participants more time and information for the next seminar which will be conducted in the future on a topic of similar nature. Last but not the least, it is wise to finish off a thank you speech in a brief and quick manner. It shouldn’t be very long and elaborative. A succinct thank you speech is what everyone wants to hear. Also, care must be taken about all the names and fact must be checked to make sure that the speech is correct and does not cause offence or embarrassment to anyone in the seminar.

Sample ending for Short Vote of Thanks Speech Samples For Seminars
Mr. Chairman, ladies and gentlemen, once again I want to state that we are all most grateful to all speakers on this stage. We thank you for being with us this evening. It has been an even garnering great pleasure for everyone.

Thank You Very Much!
Hope these Short Vote of Thanks Speech Samples For Seminars has given you some amazing ideas for your great speech! Good luck! While writing your speech, you can take examples of some amazing personality from here.