Are you being ignored? Before we talk more, I would just like to give you a virtual hug. It’s painful to see your beau ignoring you, who once used to revert your calls or text within seconds. Relationships are not always perfect, sometimes situations come up which leaves us wondering what went wrong or how to handle it. And when it’s a long distance relation, things become more complicated because of a communication gap. Know how to strengthen your long distance relationship. But when your boyfriend is suddenly taking longer to reply to a text or avoids contacting you deliberately, then SOS – time to be a little concerned. Assuming that, are you sure you’re not calling him over and over and it’s been more than a few days? Are you sure he’s not busy in work and browsing social media while ignoring you? If that’s so, start really delving deep into things and find out why he is ignoring you.
what to say to your boyfriend when he ignores you

But before you go all frustrated asking for answers, think before you act. Is it regarding the recent argument? Does he need space? Is he going through rough phase? There could possibly be hundreds of reasons behind your boyfriend suddenly acting cold shoulder. No matter what the reason is, breathe! Do not call like a maniac, badger him or follow him around. If you don’t know how to articulate your feelings, know what to say to your boyfriend when he ignores you.

Assess Your Behavior
Crying or bawling at him will definitely not solve the situation, you need to stay calm and assess your own behavior first. Don’t jump to conclusions of him cheating on you or him dumping you soon. If he’s having a legit rough phase of life, let him some time to be alone. If he’s expecting some space, give him the space required. If your behavior bothers him who led to him ignoring you, think over it.

Address the Issue
If you don’t know what to say to your boyfriend when he ignores you, it’s best to address the issue directly. If your calls are going ignored quite often let him know you’re disturbed by this. Like adults, address the issue between you both and discuss a common solution. Let him explain his reasons. If he still doesn’t address and approach, this could be a red flag in your relationship.

Leave Him For Few Days
Girls are always confused with what to say to your boyfriend when he ignores you. Don’t bombard him with too many call/text; it will only push him away. Just drop a text saying – “Hey honey, I know you need your time and there’s something wrong. I am always available for an open communication, please reach me out.” If your partner appreciates your honest conversation, he will definitely reach you out.

Are You Being Ghosted?
Sorry but the truth has to be said. After days of waiting and staying calm, if you notice he is still ignoring you and hanging out with other friends, you are being ghosted. This could be a sign of breakup or cheating. If not that, then give him some space and let him come back to you. Even if waiting hurts like hell, you have to stay calm and compose.

Give Him The Permission To Breakup
Some guys are too coward to tell you the truth and instead decide on ghosting you. This could possibly be when your partner has made a firm decision on leaving you. He might be contemplating how to bring this up and secretly hoping to get away with silent treatment. If he’s too afraid to break up in person, you are better off single. It sounds terrible but

After the silent treatment, if you feel the ignorance reason was genuine and legit, work on it! Work on building more strong communication. If not, then it’s not the end of the world. Let him take his own time/space or breakup if he wants. Life is too short to cry over coward or broken relationship. Getting ignored by someone special is hard, but do not let it consume you or break you. Stressing too much over it is bad for your mental health, instead, give it some time. Divert your attention to something you love, socialize with your family and friends. People who really want to stay in your life, will not look for excuses to run away.