50 Misunderstanding Quotes Between Lovers

A relationship is like sailing in a sea – sometimes you go up with the high tides, and sometimes the same tides will bring you down. When you are at the peak of your relationship, it seems to be perfect – the romantic dates, the lovey-dovey messages, the surprises, and unexpected gifts and trust me, there is no difficulty in managing these good things about a relationship, because you both are quite happy with how things go. The real test of time comes with the low tides – when things just don’t seem to go right, and you and your partner are just ready to pull onto each other’s hair! Here are some Misunderstanding Quotes Between Lovers that will touch your heart.


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Misunderstanding Quotes Between Lovers

Misunderstanding Quotes Between Lovers


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A real relationship has fights, trust, faith, tears, pain, arguments, patience, secrets, jealousy and LOVE! When they say love conquers it all, they say it with some experience behind it. If you think you are one of those couples that fight a lot, then do not fret, because researchers have proved that across the world, there are some common topics of misunderstanding among couples. Read on to see what they are, and how to deal with them…


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Misunderstanding Quotes Between Lovers

Misunderstanding Quotes Between Lovers

Misunderstanding Quotes Between Lovers

Misunderstanding Quotes Between Lovers

Common Reasons of Misunderstandings in Relationships

Difference of opinions


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Sometimes, women just need an ear to listen and a mind to hear and forget. But, sometimes men take this as a sign to actually listen, judge the situation and find a solution to the situation. This may aggravate the woman and it may lead to a small fight due to these difference of opinions and lead to quite a lot of misunderstanding and harsh allegations.

Dealing with the situation: When any one of you want to be the first person to vent out the anger, let the person know that they do not want a solution to it, but just want someone to hear it out.



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“A thing that is accepted to be true, without any proof of reality” – this is the pure definition of this word. Small word, but a big meaning hidden. In a relationship, most of the misunderstanding and fights happen because of this nasty little thing. Your partner may assume that you want a light dinner tonight, but actually, you are imagining a sumptuous meal.

Dealing with the situation: Clear communication is the only solution to deal with this common form of misunderstanding in a relationship. If anytime, you think you are not clear about anything, ask, instead of assuming.