40 Practically Useful Drawing Cheat Sheets to Improve your Skills

Does it ever happen to you that you think about drawing something but when you actually draw it and see that it’s nothing like what you had in mind? Yes?? Oh, it happens with me too. God! So many times it has happened to me that what I have actually drawn is nothing like my imagination. Then I had to start all over again. But again, something is imperfect and the story goes on. Sometimes it’s the nose of a person that I messed up and sometimes colours in the drawing that ruins the beauty of it rather than enhancing it.






Be a good observer befor you try and become an artist! These observational drawings will tell you how to be one. So what to do that will prevent you from ruining your own masterpiece and make it a wonderful piece of art. Well, you can use drawing cheat sheets. Yes! Practically Useful Drawing Cheat Sheets to Improve your Skills are something that will give you innumerable ideas thereby helping you to create a masterpiece. Practice and be a pro – it’s that simple! How about grabbing inspirations from these art illustrations?






Practically Useful Drawing Cheat Sheets to Improve your Skills






Hand Cheat Sheets


Hands are easy to see but difficult to draw. You can use different techniques to draw a hand such as a cylinder technique or a box method. In-cylinder technique you start with fingers by aligning cylinders together while in the box method you could start with a box and then add fingers accordingly to it.

Nose Cheat Sheets


If you are a fan of portraits, these sheets will be immensely helpful to you. Sharp nose, button nose, you just say the name and you will get it on these cheat sheets that will give you the idea how to draw them. You can start by drawing parentheses and then add nostrils and further draw the curve to it. There are many such ideas that will be available in nose cheat sheets.

Eyes Cheat Sheets


Eyes! The window to our soul! As easy as they seem to look at, they are as much trouble to draw. Start with the outline of an eye then keep on adding the iris and pupils and then the lashes step by step. The cheat sheets can show different techniques. So, choose the one that you find easy.

Face Cheat Sheets


One of the most important things while drawing a portrait is the face shape you draw. There are countless shapes of faces. Decide the shape of the face that you are planning to draw. If the face shape is round then keep in mind to draw the length and width of the face equally. These cheat sheets can be your solution for the discrete face shapes you’ve been looking for.

Wings Cheat Sheets


Fascinated with mythical creatures? I personally love unicorns! Now when it comes to such types of drawings like dragons and unicorns or any type of birds, you need to know how you are going to draw their wings. Because, duh! Don’t you wanna make it fly? Start with the rough sketch of wings that you have in mind. It’s better if you draw the outer shape of the wing first and then if it looks perfect then keep drawing.

Leg Cheat Sheets


After going through these cheat sheets, I realized that there are so many different types of legs that can be drawn. While drawing a leg you need to know a few details such as if the leg is of a female or a male. This difference, too, defines the different shape of legs. For instance, it’s a male leg the calf will be a bit rounder than that of a female. Focus on learning the techniques of pencil drawings is what going to make you a pro at it.

Hair Cheat Sheets


While drawing the hair in your portrait, you must consider one most important thing which is the direction of the head. Depending on the direction of the head you will need to decide the way its hair must be drawn. Once you are clear with the idea, you can further draw different textures of hair that will suit your sketch’s theme.

Body Cheat Sheets


Some are tall, some are small. Some are petite and some are voluptuous. So many types of the body there are that we can’t even imagine. While drawing a body, be clear about your thoughts and the type of body you are planning to sketch. It’s also good if you know very well the position that is going to be of the body in the sketch. If it’s just a shadow that you are planning to draw then details would be missed but if your subject is, say, standing in the rain, the details should be finely done from the head to toe.

Wolves/ Animal Cheat Sheets


If wildlife drawing is one of your favourites, then you must definitely check out these animal cheat sheets. Using different combinations of circles, ovals and lines you can draw a rough sketch of the animal. When you think it looks good enough to draw more, then go ahead and start adding more detail to it.

Expressions Cheat Sheets


You need to be very specific about the expression that you are planning to draw. For instance, if you are planning to draw a sarcastic expression on the face then the eyes are to be slightly squinting and the mouth is to be drawn half open. Similarly, with different expressions, different combinations of eyes and lips are to be drawn.

Landscape Cheat Sheets


Be precise about the idea in your mind of your landscape. Whether it’s a deserted street or a moon half submerged in the sea, you should have a clear picture of what you are planning on drawing. Some landscape cheat sheets might help to get amazing ideas for your sketch.

Trees Cheat Sheets


Drawing trees can be very creative especially with the fine details of branches and leaves and the structure of the tree. Draw a sketch with a rough shape that you can make with least details. These details you can later add to it or you can erase the rough shape and make it more appropriately. Then add a texture such that you can show its leaves. For instance, if your tree is a bit round in shape then start with a rough circle and then add other details to it. Dogs and cats drawing tutorials and examples to practice and flaunt are right here.














See, how easy it is to make your sketches and drawings more creative and exceptional. It’s a smart work that gives you more ideas and also saves your time. Also with the help of these sheets, you can make some more cheat sheets of your own. So what are you waiting for? Start practising your Practically Useful Drawing Cheat Sheets now!