40 Phenomenal Wedding Cake Designs We Have Seen So Far

Weddings and cakes walk together hand in hand. A wedding is definitely incomplete without a wedding cake that is happily cut by the newly wed couple! *Awww* A moment to capture and cherish all your life, isn’t it? While cake is such an important part of the wedding, do you have any clue of the Phenomenal Wedding Cake Designs that have left a mark in the trendsetters? Most detailed yummy cakes are right here to make the one big day incredible and tasteful!

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Phenomenal Wedding Cake Designs

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The Cake In Silver And Gold

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No No, not literally silver and gold, but when you had a look at it, all you could see it attractive silver and gold colors on it. It oozed out not only a sweet flavor but also some extravagant luxury as the gold and silver came of cake leaves that were actually edible.

The Perfectly Cute Lace Cake

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This Phenomenal Wedding Cake Designs was one among the top cakes that were ordered. Simple in appearance yet rich in texture and taste is what best describes this cake design.

Cookies On Top

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Gone are the days when only flowers could decorate the top of the cake. These days people prefer cookies and similar forms as the top design on the wedding cakes. They could be replaced with some delicious French Macrons too.

The Ombre Colored Cake Design

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With the typical 2-layered cake, people love to experiment with the appearance of the cake. Instead of having a different shape of the wedding cake, this Phenomenal Wedding Cake Design, had an attractive color to enhance the design of the cake.

Paint Like Cake Design

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Confused? Well, this has been one of the most Phenomenal Wedding Cake Designs by far. Typically a wedding cake has at least 2 layers, and in this design the first layer had some beautiful sketching like design and the top layer is plain! Isn’t the centerpiece ideas the next thing you wish to read next?

The Cake Made of Doughnuts!

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The heading itself leaves your mouth watering right? This cake design is unique as it is completely made of doughnuts. How many ever layers you want, get it done.

Rose Gold Is The New Design

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Yes! Not only gadgets had the craze of rose gold, but also it proved to be one of the most Phenomenal Wedding Cake Designs Phenomenal Wedding Cake Designs this year. Some of the had the entire cake design in this color while some chose the subtle way by just having few layers of the cake in this color.

The Dark Color With Bright Flowers

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While black is usually avoided at happy events, cake designs chose a slightly lighter color than black but dark enough to look rich. The color was complimented with amazing bright colored flower designs.

A Picturesque Cake Design

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What’s a more interesting way than representing the wedding in one small picture imprinted on the cake? The base layer of the cake is big and hence the design can be made there. Be it the bride and groom holding hands or shadows of two people together, this is one of the Phenomenal Wedding Cake Designs that we have seen so far.

Each Layer Representing Commonalities of The Bride And Groom

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Love swimming, the base layer will be blue color with a design of a boy and girl swimming. Wish to go to Paris for your honeymoon? The second layer with have an image of the Eiffel tower! Go as creative as possible.

The Bee Cake

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The base made of yellow color and will represent the beehive while the second layer of the wedding cake will be plain white with bee trails on it. Have some bees sitting on various places of the wedding cake and this has been the most unique and Phenomenal Wedding Cake Designs in the past few years. Bdw, just to remind you! Have to thought of some memorable wedding guest books?

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Witnessed something more amazing than some of the above Phenomenal Wedding Cake Designs? Why not let us know so that we can add them too in the list? Now that all is set sexy and stunning, how about you secretly planning out the romantic wedding night bed inspirations?

