When the snow is falling on the ground most of us want to cuddle up inside looking out at the pristine vista in front of us while drinking something hot and comforting. But once the fall of snow stops falling and the pristine grounds are in front of us, we want to do something stimulating and creative. We want to use the snow to create snowmen, which can range from the most primitive forms to the most complicated forms with a certain level of artistry and sophistication. But remember snow is cold? Which means that while it may be fun to play with it for a while, it may not be a great idea to hang out in the cold for a long time. And what happens when the urge to create a snowman strikes you but you get an urge to create one anyways. Well, no need to panic, we have plenty of snowman craft ideas for you try. It is pretty much like the DIY paper snowflakes decoration ideas but with different techniques and different supplies too.
Unlike the sensational world of snow photography which requires the actual snowfall to happen, these snowman craft ideas that we are talking about here will not need actual snow. While these crafts are not quite on the level of realistic snow art sculptures which are winter creations, they are immensely creative and fun to do.
We suggest that you go through the list of simple and cute snowman craft ideas we have given here and then go about collecting supplies to create them though most of these ideas involve simple everyday supplies:
For the ease of making the process easier, we are going to segregate the materials that you can use to create snowmen into three or four broad categories.
Soft odds and ends: Woolen bits, socks, cotton balls rags and other cloth bits that can be used to create snowmen.
Recycled materials: Old bottles, bulbs, paper cups, paper plates, bottle caps, small paper containers, paper lanterns, shredded paper and other odd bits.
Food and consumables: You can create snowmen using white eatables like rice, eggs, cream, sugar, fruits, vegetables, icecream, etc.
As you can see there is no end of choices when it comes to working on snowmen. After all, we are talking about cute blob like structures that resemble a face and another blob for the body with a few odd bits (carrot for nose, stones for eyes and sticks or twigs for hands) to create a cute form reminiscent of your childhood days. It would help if you get into the habit of collecting buttons, ribbons, bows, colored pieces of paper, bits of leftover cloth left from tailoring projects, etc. to add cute touches to your snowman.
If you are creating snowman crafts with your kids, then it is better to go with softer materials like the odd socks, woolen bits and pieces and cotton rather than stuff that can hurt them. For kids of a slightly older age, then go with paper plates, bottle caps, paper cups, etc. to create the snowmen. The food items can be used to create a themed meal when you are having a special party for kids. You can have the kids in creating this but do ensure that they participate with due attention to hygiene and cleanliness. Doing this with kids can be a good way to get them to become interested in healthy and clean food.
The images we have given here will make it clear that making snowman crafts can be a fun and educative project that will help you engage your creative side as well as that of the kids that you are working with. You will find that the simple but satisfying process of working with your hands, creativity and imagination along with some simple supplies will provide you with a lot of satisfaction.