How To Heal Emotionally Through Writing? Make The ‘Write’ Choice!

You may be thinking that writing is not your thing at all and that even deciding on what to write in birthday card is a difficult task and here we are, asking you to write what you feel. However, at this point we would beg for your patience and read through the entire article before you jump to conclusions. This is not on the same level as asking you to come up with the right words to go with cute friendship card designs of the DIY type, but about getting intensely personal and emotional. In fact, coming up with pithy and catchy one liners to make your friends laugh openly and admire you secretly may be more of a tough task than penning down your innermost thoughts.



By now, we can almost imagine you scratching your head in puzzlement and wondering what we are going on about. The thing is, writing is an excellent form of therapy, one that is often overlooked and underrated as it is perceived as not everyone’s cup of tea. But think about it – it is simple, it needs no fancy investments, it is possible everywhere and anywhere, and offers solace that can be intensely gratifying. We are not inviting you to shout out your emotions in the form of graffiti while wondering if is graffiti a form art on the streets or is it vandalism. We are talking about negotiating through the emotional twists and turns of your life.


Here is how you need to do it:

Write about your emotional upheaval: If you are going through a difficult time in life, then it makes sense to start writing about it. You will find that penning down your thoughts clears your thought process and helps you deal with the distress.

Start with a small amount of time: We are not talking about deadlines and huge writing quotas here but about sparing 15-20 minutes a day to pen down your thoughts and we feel that you should do this for at least 4 days continuously.


Write personal stuff for yourself: Make sure that you are able to safeguard your writing from the eyes of others even as you pen down the events and situations that have been bothering you.

Never mind about the language or grammar: This is raw and emotional writing, so do not bother with spellings or pretty sentence construction. But don’t dwell too much on one distressing event for a long time.


Start a story: Each event in our life, whether good or bad is a story in itself. We suggest that you try to write what you have gone through in the form of a story. If possible take on a third person’s perspective to do so.

Notice the health benefits: By putting down what you feel and what has happened to you on paper, you will feel a form of catharsis, an inner cleansing that will have you feeling lighter and less dependent on healthcare professionals.


Renewed focus on what is important: As the writing out your feelings process evolves, you will find that you are able to take the focus on the negative and are able to redirect it to the positives. Which means that you will start working on good relationships and be able to have better conversations with others.

Writing not just for introverts: In fact, we would say that the opposite is true because if you dig a bit deeper into the psyche of the extrovert, you will discover they do not believe in really sharing their feelings. Which means writing down what they feel can make them feel less burdened and better able to cope with things.