Let us start by asking you take a moment to tell you about your favorite moments of your life, especially to do with your family. And if you are lucky, then many of these lovely moments would be with your grandparents. The thing about grandparents that they are simply put a grand version of your parents. They have all the love, concern and affection for you that a parent would normally have, but also have the added advantage of less need to be strict. Grandparents are also more tolerant of your quirks and more open to your peculiarities as they now have the time and the tolerance that they did not have when they were parents. A child that is lucky enough to grow up with both sets of grandparents intact for a large part of his or her growing ears will have a certain air about him or her that is easy enough to distinguish. That is why it is easy enough to have heartwarming quotes for grandparents as they deserve these and more. Think on the lines of in loving memory quotes with images and you will know what we mean.
Grandparents not only made your childhood a lot of fun but also guided you on concepts like quotes on karma that will get you thinking. While grandparents can be a lot of fun, they may also introduce to some quaint concepts like cute country music quotes which your peers may find amusing.
Here are some heartwarming quotes for grandparents that you may find very useful to express what you feel about them:
The soft wrinkles on your faces seems to me like a map of the life you have lived and the immense affection that you have stored for me and your other grandchildren.
The warmth of the sun, the fun of a wild adventure but tempered by the wisdom of the ages – I am lucky to have had you in my life. You have been responsible for the birth of parent but more than that, you have been also responsible for completing my life.
You are more than a parent or a friend but you also have the warm cuddliness that one has come to expect from a beloved pet and all the comfort of a blanket on a cold winter night.
As grandparents, you have seen me at my worst and most vulnerable but have found it within your generous heart to hold me close and make me feel precious. I cannot tell you warm it makes me feel within when I think of you.
You have been the warm spots of my growing up years and I cannot thank you enough for being in my life, giving me plenty of treats and most of all for giving birth to my parents.
I respect my parents, I love them too but when it comes to adoring someone, you my grandparents are the ones that come to mind. Thanks for making my life so interesting and fun.
My parents are my earth and skies but you my grandparents are my stars that shine even when everything else in life is dull.
The twinkle in your eye, the wrinkle on your face, the smile on your lips and the warmth in your kiss. These are just some of my favorite things about you my grandparents.
Granny and grandpa have to be the sweetest words in a child’s life; how else can you explain the smiles on our faces?
There is something to be said about the second childhood as it is filled with the wonder of a younger soul and the wisdom of an older soul. This is what defines grandparenthood.
The day a person becomes a grandparent, is the day a child gets an additional parent along with dollops of affection and fun.
The tolerance and the love of a grandparent is something that has a great influence on the life of a child.
Old age becomes lovely and innocent with the entry of a grandchild. Both the grandparent and the child come together in a sweet union of likeminded souls to share their cute innocence and wisdom.
There is nothing more charming than watching the interaction between a grandkid with his or her grandparent. They both seem to not know which one is the kid and which one the grownup.
If I could live my childhood again, I would love the chance to double the time I spent with my grandparents. They not only taught me love, tolerance and fun but also introduced me to my parents.
A summer holiday was never better spent than the time I spent playing with my grandparents. They made the sun shine brighter and days warmer by just being there.
As a teenager, the only way I could imagine my parents being cool and fun was looking at the people who brought them up – my grandparents.
My grandparents not only gave me the opportunity to relive my parents’ childhood but they also taught me to look forward to my old age.
Many cultures around the world have it right when they equate grandparents to fun guardians because that is what they are. They teach but without preaching, they nurture but without reservations and love without limits.
No childhood would be complete without the presence of a grandparent or two. They are parents, siblings, friends and more.
It is great to have grandparents living alongside our parents as they serve as a reminder to them that they (our parents) too were irresponsible children once.
The grandparent enjoys the grandkid even more this time around as they get to see their children go through what they put them through in their younger times.
The smell of cookies baking or the smell of old fashioned cologne is something that would be etched in the minds of most kids as fond memories of their beloved grandparents.
Have you ever wondered how barren the world would be without some heartwarming sights and sounds? That is what a kid’s life would be without the presence of grandparents.
Loving arms, soft eyes, affectionate touches, mischievous escapades and small projects, these are just some of the things that are part of a kid’s memories of their parents’ parents.