Do you watch ballet or have an interest in this dance form? We know that not many people have interest or even know much about ballet but even if you are one of those who is not interested in the dance form, you will still find this article interesting. That is because this article is not going to focus on the way ballerinas perform the dance but rather on what they do and how they look even when they are not on stage. This is because ballet is not just an art form or a dance form that they learn and practice but it is a way of life. If you don’t believe us we ask you to look at stunning ballerina drawings and sketches and tell us if such grace and beauty can just happen. In fact, anyone into this dance form will tell you that the process of learning and training in ballet starts at a very early age and can take as much as 8-10 years to become good at it. Which brings us to the subject of how the spectacular shots of ballerinas showing their skills off stage make such an impact on us.
One can almost see the sweat and tears that have gone into honing their bodies to move in such a liquid and poetic manner. No wonder there are divine dance paintings that make you see the movement even in the stillness. Yes, paintings of dancers do capture different styles of dancing but this article is going to be mainly about ballerinas and ballet. The ballet dance form is not just about the way the ballerinas move and dance, which is also important, it is also about the ethereal almost floating quality they bring to the performance.
Ballerinas spend as much 6-8 hours a day in training at the very minimum. Such training and the repeated movements they are put through endows their body with an elegance and grace that is unparalleled. They have a supple tenderness to their bodies that gives it almost a fluid feeling. The repeated exercises and movements that they are put through ensures that their bodies are very obedient in terms of flexibility. It is worth mentioning here that ballet is about the way the dancer moves and performs but also about the way she or he looks. Which means that they have to keep a body that is supple and slim and to that end, most dancers are very careful about what they eat and how much they eat.
This results in unbelievably slim legs and a slim waistline that will have both men and women drooling. Men because it looks so feminine and women in envy. In fact, many people claim that it is easy enough to spot a dancer among the crowd because of the way they look and move. The way they seem to float through the crowd while rest seem to plod must be giving it away. But that is not all, ballerinas are taught about standing on their toes, which adds inches to their lovely legs and this is a trick that not many others can do.
The ballet costume of a body stocking or leotard with a cute fluff tutu is something else that adds to the fairy or angel like quality that ballerinas seem to have. Somehow any dress they wear seems to take on a pretty, slim and elegant feel to it even if they are dressed in something as mundane as a simple cotton skirt and
You can see from the pictures here that even offstage, a ballerina’s tendency to move fluidly and with grace seems to stay with her. The way she can bend and make it look easy could be another factor that makes these images so memorable. Of course, when you see the ballerina against the city, there is a definite contrast in her slim and ethereal elegance and robust cityscape.