77 Most Creative Towel Folding Ideas

One of the visuals that stand out when you visit a luxurious hotel or a high end club or some such places, is the way the towels in that place are folded. In fact, if you were an ardent fan of the sitcom ‘Two and a half men’, you would remember this particular episode where Berta leaves for a vacation leaving a substitute housekeeper to take care of the men. In this episode, Charlie start loving the new housekeeper and keeps expounding her virtues. One of the things that he talks about the way she turns the towels in his bathroom into swans. He even suggests that he keep her and that he will undo the swan so his regular housekeeper Berta would not know he was cheating on her with another housekeeper. While the whole episode was funny, the one impression that remained in our head was that of the fancy towel folding. However, at this point, we are digressing and we wish to draw your attention back to the concept of creative towel folding ideas, which have a lot of scope. If you want, you can add this idea to your real I am bored jar ideas so that you can pick up the art when you get the chit asking you to learn it.






Trifold for Stacked Towels

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This fold is important when providing extra towels to your guests. The simple, yet organized display won’t detract from the overall appearance of your hotel room.

  • Fold your towel lengthwise into thirds, starting by folding the bottom corner of the towel over to the middle.
  • Fold the top third of the towel over the bottom section you folded.
  • Fold crosswise by folding the towel in half. Repeat this step again to create a more condensed size.

Pocket and Fan Hanging Towel

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This classic fold and one of the most creative towel folding ideas may look intimidating for your first try, but is well worth the practice.

  • Fold the towel from the bottom corner over, similar to how you would when beginning a trifold except this time only fold about one-fourth to one-third of the way.
  • Turn the towel over, making sure the first fold stays straight, and fold the towel crosswise by folding the two sides toward each other.
  • Pull open the pocket on the bottom layer and tuck the outer edge of the top layer into the pocket, closing that bottom layer on top. This forms your towel’s completed pocket.
  • The final step for the pocket towel is to fold it in half over the rod you plan to hang it from. Now, let’s move onto your fanned washcloth.
  • Fold the washcloth accordion-style by starting on one end, folding the washcloth about an inch in, flipping it over, folding an inch in, flipping it over, and continuing until you can no longer fold.
  • Then fold the accordion washcloth in half.
  • Gently tuck the fanned washcloth into the pocket of your folded hand towel.

Spa Towel Roll for an Attractive Basket

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Spas are held in a high regard, which means the expectations for your spa are set fairly high. The simple things like how you display your spa towels make a world of a difference in an individual’s spa experience. This spa towel roll is a quick and easy fold that still provides that elegance guests look for in spas.

  • First follow the steps for a simple trifold.
  • Then hold the towel firmly as you tightly and evenly roll it up.
  • When placing your towel in its basket, make sure that the exposed seam is down, both for aesthetic purposes and to make sure the towel does not unroll.

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Towel Fan

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This is probably the easiest way and one of the most creative towel folding ideas. Create a fancy origami towel in just five minutes with a fan shape. To do this:

  • Lay the towel flat in front of you. Fold about an inch from the bottom.
  • Flip over the towel and fold again.
  • Repeat the process till you have no more towel left to fold
  • Open it up to give it a fan-like effect. Keep this over some other folded towels.

Towel Cake

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Towel cakes are popular as bridal shower favors, baby shower gifts, and decorations in honeymoon suites.

  • To create a delectable-looking cake made with fluffy towels, you will need two large bath towels, two hand towels, and two washcloths.
  • Place the towels horizontally on a flat surface, and then fold them lengthwise.
  • Start with one end and roll up the towel. Do so for all the towels.
  • To secure the towels, you can use pins or tie satin ribbons around them. Place the large towel rolls followed by the second layer of hand towel rolls, and finish with the washcloth rolls on the top.
  • Add some rose and petals on the top. Some people also prefer using lace, ribbons, and pearl sprays, to decorate the beautiful towel cake.

Towel Couch

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Simple and easy to make, one of the most creative towel folding ideas, this towel couch can be placed in hotel rooms with small notes, toiletries, and other items to welcome the guests. To make this couch, you will need three large towels.

  • Fold the towels in half and roll them tightly.
  • Place two towel rolls side-by-side, and one at the back.
  • Keep soaps and other toiletries on the towel rolls placed side-by-side.

Towel Candle

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Towel candles are easy to make, and can be added to other romantic towel designs like the folded swans or hearts, to create an interesting effect.

  • Lay the towel down in front of you and fold it in half.
  • Fold about half an inch of the closed end once and flip it over, so that the fold is now facing downwards.
  • Roll the towel tightly from left to right or right to left. At the bottom, fluff up the base so the roll can stand on its own.
  • The top of the towel will have multiple folds – take the outermost fold and bend it backwards, and fold it down. The inner folds should look like a flame.

Towel Pouch

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A towel pouch can be really handy in the bathroom, especially when hung on a towel bar. Not only can it be used to hold fresh flowers or other decorative items, but it can also be used to hold toiletries as well. To make this towel pouch, you will need a full-sized towel, a hand towel, and a washcloth.

  • Lay the hand towel in front of you and fold it up at the bottom.
  • Fold this part up again and flip the towel over.
  • Fold either side of the towel in and tuck one side of the pocket into another.
  • Flip over the towel again and place it over a larger towel.
  • Create a fan shape with the washcloth by flipping and folding it. Once this is done, fold it in half, so that it looks like a fan. Tuck it into your towel pouch. Decorate the pouch with flowers and tiny toiletries.

Crab Towel Origami


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  • Start with placing a clean hand towel on a flat surface. Fold the hand towel in lengthwise position until the fold reaches the middle part of the towel. After this fold the other side. So you have two folds of the towel lengthwise that meet in the middle.Repeat the folds while you leave a third part of the towel open t the bottom part. You will end up with a funnel looking towel. Take the open end and gently roll it inwards.
  • Put your hand on top of the rolled part to keep it in place while you find the corners on the sides of the roll. Pull out these corners in twisting motion mimicking the curled shape of crab claws.
  • After making sure that the crab claws are in perfect shape, start folding the other end of the towel which was left untouched. Keep folding the part in order to create a shell behind the claws.
  • If you have followed the instructions to a tee you will find yourself staring right into your very own crab origami. Be more creative and you can add goggle eyes on top of the towel in the shell area to give the origami a real cute effect.

How to make a towel snake

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Towel snake is one of the most creative towel folding ideas. To make this towel:

  • Fold two corners diagonally until they meet in the middle.
  • Fold one long edge into the middle.
  • Starting with the long edge closest to you, roll the towel into a long, cylindrical shape.
  • Holding the pointed end with one hand, use the other hand to twist the ‘bottom’ of the snake around itself twice
  • Fold the pointed end down slightly to form the head.






However, if you are considering luxury high end style bathroom designs for your home, you might as well get started on creative towel folding ideas right now. Because a high end bathroom surely deserves fancy towel arrangements. If you have looked up fancy folding ideas for table napkins, you can use some of the ideas from there here. However, as you know, towels are bigger and thicker than hand napkins, which can be both an advantage as well as a disadvantage. To get some more ideas, we also suggest that you look at high-end travel options like opulent and plush private jet interiors where they do some cute and amazing things with towels. We are sure that by now you have been impatient enough to get a peek or two at some of the amazingly creatively folded towel images we have given here. At first glance, it is natural to be intimidated by the complex outcomes of these folded towels. But if you take a closer look, you will realize that some of the ideas are pretty simple to get done. Of course, it goes without saying that some of the ideas are going to complex and a bit difficult to handle.





However, the principles behind towel folding is pretty simple – you have to ensure that it is visually appealing and easy to unravel and use. If either of these purposes are not met, then the point of folding these towels becomes moot. The trick is to have a collection of towels ranging from the tiny ones that can be used as a hand towel to the bigger ones that can be almost used as a robe in a pinch. It would also help if the towels you are using are clean and soft and in some cases with the light addition of starch so that they can hold their shape. It would also help if you started putting together a collection of silken cords and small accessories that will help you make the creature created by towel folding look realistic. For instance, small bits and bobs that can be used to form the eyes, nose and mouth of the whimsical creatures.





Sometimes the folding of the towels could be down to using the right mix of colors to create a contrast and make your idea come alive. The main point here is that you should ensure the softness, cleanliness and absorbing qualities of the towels and give these factors more importance than the folding part. Only once you are sure about these factors should you move on to folding the towels.





















