How To Draw Glass And Transparent Objects – Learn More

Artists would like to believe that they can reproduce anything that they look and that too with not only a lot of likeness to the original object but also with their own special touches to them. however, there are some objects that all artists will agree is difficult to draw and this includes most reflective surfaces like glass and other transparent objects. It also makes sense to learn how to draw an eye along with tutorials and examples so that at least this aspect of art is covered because being able to draw an eye is very important for an artist to learn. We suggest that the first thing you do is start studying the object, which is in this case glass or anything that is transparent with a lot of concentration. Which means you can even study the play of light on gorgeous glass animals that will make you want to collect more.



You can also check out original light bulb aquarium décor ideas so that you can get to study yet another transparent object in order to figure out how it changes the look of things beyond the clear glass. Before you start panicking about how to go about drawing glass and other transparent objects, we will tell you about the simple steps that you need to take to be able to learn how to draw them.



For that to happen, we want you to pick out a glass goblet with some designs on it and place it on a flat surface. The first thing that will strike you about this object is that in order to reproduce this object on paper, you will have to realize how lights and shadows play a big role in the way glass objects are reproduced. The first thing we want you to do is draw the outline of the goblet on a piece of paper.



Simply ensure that the likeness that you are drawing has the right shape and details. But in spite of this, you will note that the crystal or glass goblet will have a two dimensional look. For it to have a three dimensional look, you will have to use bits of dark color to create the design on the surface of the goblet.


Another thing that you will have to reproduce is the way the back surface of the glass will look through the glass or the transparent object. Create a three dimensional aspect to the glass goblet and start creating the details slowly and in small ways. You will have to work at the way objects behind the glass will appear beyond the glass and the way they will reflect on the transparent surface. Another important aspect that you should keep in mind is the way the glass object will cast shadows of its own.



As you keep on drawing glass and transparent objects, you will realize that the color light and that too used subtly to create a shading kind of effect can emulate the reflection of light on such surfaces. It goes without saying that you will need practice the drawing of lights and shadows but also get good with three dimensional objects to show the proper depth of the object. As we said earlier, your first step would be to spend a lot of time simply observing the object you are about to draw.



It is only then will you be able to wrap your head around the concept of three dimensional objects that reflect light and other objects with any amount of accuracy and details. Do look at the images given here to get an idea about what you want to take up for yourself.