Do you like abstract art? If you do, and have a thirst to explore this area of art in a deeper manner, then you would love what we have to say in this article. In this article, as the title suggests, we are going to be looking at aesthetic geometric abstract art paintings. Yes, can you imagine a form of art where geometry meets abstract? We are sure that you have a complete grasp on what abstracts mean, which indicate a work of art that does not have a definite subject but rather allude to an abstract concept. If you are going to be alluding or emulating your concept in an abstract way, why not use the practical aspect of geometrical shapes that can let you try something new for a change. To help you visualize how appealing this can be we give you captivating cubism art that will have you gasping with delight, which though not the same could probably be put in the same school of thought.
We are sure you get what we are saying and if not you will once you check out the examples of geometric abstract art paintings that we have provided along with this article. After all, an image can say something more clearly than so many words in many instances. Do check out eye-catching abstract painting ideas so that you have plenty of food for thought when it comes to painting abstract paintings. You may not be aware of it, but even tattoo artists use some concepts from the abstract art world to create tattoos. That is why we feel you should also look up incredibly artistic abstract tattoo designs for further inspiration.
Having advocated the merits of abstract art in geometric form, we also have to caution you that this form of art needs a certain balance. It is very much possible that you can go so far as to immerse yourself in geometric shapes that you may lose sight of the abstract art. It is often said that the abstract art has a certain energy and conveys emotions even though it is not the copy of some other object or person or place that exists in reality. It is the inner energy and feelings of the artist that gets expressed on the canvas. It is often characterized by bold use of color to depict what the artist is feeling. As you may have noted, the key word here is feeling not observing or viewing. That is why there are some dangers to using geometric shapes in abstract work.
But once you master the balance of abstract with geometry, which are understandably two opposing concepts, you will see that the results are nothing short of outstanding and astounding. Of course it requires you master drawing the straight line using your brush or creating a circle in the same way. While drawing geometric shapes per se are not that difficult, creating them using paints and a paintbrush may be a bit more difficult. If you look at the images we have given here as examples of geometric abstract art paintings, you will see that the artist has not let the geometric shapes distract him or her from the abstract concept he or she is getting down on the canvas.
The artists have not lost the energy and emotions they want to depict on the canvas and also ensured that they have still managed the abstract but also used shapes like these very effectively. As happens with most abstract work, there are some that are easily discernible to some of us and some that are not that clear but absorbing and captivating nevertheless. We want you to look at all the examples we have given here and tell us which are the ones that appeal to you the most and the ones that you understood completely. You can also tell us about the ones that do not appeal that much.