If you are the kind who goes to art galleries only to mock those paintings that are abstract, then this probably is not the right article for you. That is because we understand that abstract paintings are not everyone’s cup of tea but for those who do get it, such paintings can be a source of joy and inspiration. If you have not gotten it yet, then the point we are making here is that abstract paintings may seem like nothing and everything to you depending on what your take is on them. When it comes to abstract paintings, then there are different kinds of paints that you could go with but we feel that it would be best to go with acrylic paints. This is because acrylic is easy to use, mix and dilute and it also dries very quickly. It basically also does not have an odor and is easier to correct if you feel the need to do so. And if you are still not convinced, then you can look at these beautiful examples of abstract expressionism art works to get started on your abstract acrylic painting ideas.
There are many easy abstract painting ideas to get you started though you may not be able to replicate them exactly and nor should you given that we are talking about abstracts here. For good measure, we also feel that you should check out excellent but simple acrylic painting ideas for beginners. Now that we have established that painting with acrylic paints is a good way to go, we also feel that you should think and understand a bit about the abstract ideas you are going to paint so that you get it right.
Here are some steps that you have to go through to be able to paint abstract paintings with acrylic paints:
Just think what you want to express: Painting is not just about painting a pretty picture though that helps a lot but beneath all that is what you want to say or the message that you want to convey. A good painting only happens when you not only have talent in your hands and your eyes and heart are clear about what they want the world to feel and see when they look at your painting. The first and most important step for a good abstract painting is spending time on thinking what you want to show.
Think in terms of movement and texture: Once you have your basic concept fixed in your heart and mind, it is time for the eyes and the hands to take over. Painting abstracts is not only about visuals and movements but can also include texture. This can either be created by using some extra bits or even with thicker daubs of painting. Do make sure that you experiment with different brushes and strokes to ensure that you create the effect that you want others to see.
Look, observe and think a lot: When you are painting with acrylic paints, you will realize that the waiting period is not too long before one layer of paint dries off and this means that you need to take time to observe and think about what you have done. it can also help if you spend time looking at and thinking about other people’s abstract works. The more time you spend on this, the better your work will turn out to be. Additionally, you will also realize that there is more to abstracts than what you thought it was all about.
Stop when you feel you are done: When it comes to abstracts, you may realize that the beginning is always about a blank canvas, there is no specific finish or end to the painting. But there will be a part of your gut instinct that will tell you when a painting is done and you need to leave the painting alone once this is done and not try to improve on it.