The credit card of today is the cash of tomorrow and it is important for us to have a safe and nice way to carry it around. Today most people have more than one credit card which means that stuffing it down the wallet may not be always a great option. First of all, it will physically destroy the card by eroding the top layer of the card that has been added to ensure that the numbers do not erode and vanish. What is more even the smallest bit of damage to the laminated layer could render the card unusable. Plus, think of this – what if somebody stole your purse or bag? In such cases, you will also have your credit card stolen if you do not have a separate holder for it. You would definitely not want that to happen. That is why, it makes sense to have a separate credit card holder for you to keep the card safely away. Creating a small and compact credit card holder could be among the simple sewing projects for amateurs to try. If you are not one to take up sewing, then there are many other ways to create a credit card holder.
There are many useful and creative DIY ideas to try at home if you really want to work on one of those card holder designs that appeal to you. Just as we have accepted that laptops are here to stay, it also makes sense to agree that credit cards are also here to not only stay but also be part of the future. That is why when you are looking at lovely laptop bag designs to keep them safe and looking good, do consider looking compact credit card holder designs as well.
If You Are Still Not Convinced, Then The Options We Give Here For Credit Card Holders Will Definitely Do The Job:
Simply leather: No matter what naysayers say about it, there is no denying that leather has a look and class that is unmatched. And if you are one of those who likes to carry simple and elegant stuff around, then a simple single credit card holder is the way to go. It will protect your card even if you cram into a wallet, or a handbag or even directly into your pocket. This option is a bit expensive and also needs a bit of care but it does shout out class.
Card album: You have seen the kind of card albums that are used for keeping visiting cards, it is the same concept but made up in such a way that you can stow away credit cards and more importantly allows you to pull it out easier than you would a visiting card.
Box with accordion divisions: Nowadays you see women reach coolly into their purses to take out this cute and bright little box that is slim and compact only to withdraw a card from within the accordion divisions to brandish their cards. If you carry a bag, then it is a good way to carry your cards. Alternatively, you could have a purse that closes with a clasp in place of the box.
Double holder: One of the ideas that also work for a credit card is a simple pouch that allows you to stow away two cards and can be folded to make it even more compact. This can be in cloth, leather or some other material.
Pouch with a handle: Another way to go with is a small pouch shaped to hold two or more credit cards but with a small handle to make it easier to find within the confines of your bag.