Sometimes they say that work of art is overwhelmed by the colors used as is in the case of Fauvism but when this is being said, do you really think that is a bad thing? Obviously not, because the use of color and art is inextricably twined and can never be separated from one from the other. That is why whether it is color pencil drawings to having you cooing with joy or some other form of color, you have to admit that colors can lift your mood and keep you uplifted. Here we are not saying that black and white art does not have an impact, it does but the impact that colors deliver are definitely different. For instance black and white classic prints while utterly lovely are not like colorful and cheerful Caribbean art to cheer you up. You will understand what the impact of colors is like when you look at the brilliant examples of color field paintings.
You have to be aware of colors and the impact they have on art to know how these can make a big difference. By now we are sure that you could not resist a peek or two at the images we have provided with the article here. That is why we are going to tell you some aspects of color field paintings that may intrigue you.
Brilliant Examples Of Color Field Paintings
Color field painting belongs to the abstract expressionism school of thought though one could even go so far as to say that they are less vociferous siblings. As you may be aware abstract expressionism comes from the New York school of thought and this quieter sibling of abstract expressionism though overpowered by their more vociferous siblings managed to hold its own. The thing about artists who use color fields to express what they want to depict on canvas, is that they consier the paper, surface or canvas they are painting on as a field of vision. The thing to note is that this form of art does not have a central focus when compared to traditional styles of painting where there is bound to be at least one subject as the central focus. They tend to draw the eye to the flat nature of the surface that they have painted.
Sometimes when you look at such paintings, you feel that there is no reference in them to the natural objects in this world. These color field art paintings are often indicative of the artist’s state of mind or the inner emotions they have and can also be an expression of their turmoil. Unlike the traditional way of painting where there is action in the middle of the painting or at least in an important place but the color field paintings are about creating tension by merely overlapping and interacting colors in a flat way. In some of the work depicted here, you can see that the field of color tends to overwhelm you and surround you even if you are viewing it from a distance and nothing has moved.

Though this kind of art avoided the depiction of moving figures behind the wall of colors, it often draws the eyes of the viewer to the edge of the field to look for or discern some kind of movement. You will find that color field depictions will move you emotionally and have an impact on you that you may not be able to define in words. In some color field depictions, the artist may use an undulating effect that will be like a ripple running through the canvas. Or in some instances, there will be a hint of texture that will have you concluding what the field contains. But we have to tell you that this is a subtle art form, one that can be very subject to the taste and mood of the viewer.