There is so much joy and beauty around us but we often overlook it being mired in the grind of daily life. It is only when you move away or travel or see it from a different point of view that you realize that there are so many joyful simple things in life. If you are keen on photography, you can be sure that the lens of the camera will definitely give you a different perspective on mundane things and make you see the joy in the simple things of life. For instance, day and night are things that we take for granted but it is only when you look at dark, interesting and mysterious night photography does one realize that there is so much more than to this time of the day than sleep and rest. There is something almost magical about the lenses of a camera that gives you a point of view that is different from the mundane and we do need this way of looking at things once in a while. That is why the next time you see something that makes you want to smile, we suggest that you look at it from another point of view – that of a photographer and you will have a joyful memory to cherish.
The joy of simple things is further proven by the sensational world of snow photography which takes something as simple and pristine as snow and makes it something of an art form. Many people even talk in glorious terms about the exciting world of sunset photography but when you think of it, it is just a simple thing as the setting of the sun in the evening to announce the arrival of the night. But it is sensational nevertheless. So, what do you think is the best object or subject to capture by clicking with your camera? We are sure that you have a lot of ideas of your own and we would love it if you share some ideas with us. Given that we brought this topic up, we also feel obliged to give you some ideas and suggestions.
Joyful Simple Things In Life Photography Ideas
Focus on the expressions: What do you think happens when it starts raining or when the sun peeps out of the sky after a prolonged absence? People enjoy these things, and this shows on their faces. In fact, the expressions of kids are even more obvious and joyous to capture. You will do well to try and capture kids (yours if you have them or else other people’s kids) when they are enjoying the changes that mother nature brings about or even them facing new experiences. The more you focus on the expressions of people when they are facing something simple but profound, the better pictures that you are likely to get.
Capture all aspects of nature: Nature as we said earlier is ensuring that the scenario around you is constantly evolving if not changing completely and it can be fun to capture this simple change in the lens of your camera. Even simple things like a cat playing with a string, or a dog foolishly chasing its own tail or a duck trying to quack at the reflection of itself or a rooster standing there proud and defiant. Trees with their constantly changing foliage are some of the other aspects of nature that you can capture in your camera. Even something as mundane as a bowl of fruit can be a great thing to capture in your camera for all eternity.
Day, afternoon, evening and night: The changing colors from one part of the day to another is something of a cliché but they are charming subjects for photography nevertheless. This is because there is something so magical in which the day changes character as it progresses in time and while it is something that happens every day it is also unique every time.
We are sure that once you change your way of thinking, then you will find the best of objects to capture in your camera even if they are the simple but joyful things of life.