40 Color Pencil Drawings To Having You Cooing With Joy

Okay, so going back to colored pencils as an artist who is grown up (in age at least) seems bit of a backward thing to do but let us assure that you will soon discover that it is not so at all. That is because we are not talking about those childish renditions of art that you used to struggle with using colored pencils just to stay within the borders of what you were supposed to fill in but about exquisite work that seems to resonate with depth and beauty. If you have seen realistic animal pencil drawings, then you should know that the humble pencil can let you do more complicated art than you give it credit for. You can use those colored pencils to sketch your imagination in a way that is unlike other mediums of art.


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Color Pencil Drawings To Having You Cooing With Joy

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The best part is control of where you are going and how much deeper or lighter you want to go is somewhat more easy when you are using colored pencils as opposed to using paint and brushes. This could be because we are or rather our hands are used to directing a writing instrument more than they are used to control brushes. You just need to look at these beautiful drawing pencil sketches and art examples to know what we mean by the earlier statement.

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If you are an art lover and have ambitions to do some kind of artistic work but do not want to spend too much on this endeavor, then one of the ways for you to get started is with pencil color art. This is because all you need is color pencils and you can buy these at a reasonable price depending on the quality when you are getting started. Once you are sure that you are good at it and have been able to master the basic techniques, then you can go for the more expensive stuff that will enable you to produce better work.

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There Are Basically Five Techniques That You Have To Master In Order To Do Color Pencil Art Or Drawings.

Stippling: Though this sounds horrendously complicated, it is anything but. This technique involves a series of close dots to create a certain look that can be either dense or light depending on the way you want to go with it.

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Hatching: This is nothing else but the drawing of parallel lines that can either be close or far off depending once again on the intensity of color or shading you want to show at a particular point.

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Cross hatching: This technique draws upon the same method as hatching except that parallel line are crisscrossed with other lines to create a cross pattern. Once again the intensity and closeness of cross hatches will depend on the effect you want to create.

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Scumbling: This a simple way of creating a textural effect by making small circles with your pencil. Once again the lighter or heavier application of this technique will result in different effects.

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Shading or blending: Though this technique is self explanatory, we would like to explain that it is a back and forth movement of the pencil to fill in color or even adding a shade. The process of blending lightly or deeply will create different effects.

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These techniques are easy enough but to be able to use them well, you will need to do some practice and seek the help of others to confirm the effects you feel you have created. And once you have mastered all the techniques, there is a whole world of color pencil drawing waiting for you to explore it.