The history of the world is so rich and replete with many stories that are sometimes incredible, magical, mysterious and even sometimes cruel. But if you think of the one common factor in all these stories, then the one thing that will stand out is the bravery and courage that the warriors have displayed. And it is thereby not surprising at all that these warriors who could inspire you, make you feel protected and even strike fear in you have inspired artists. It is a fact, that artists over the years have been known to record the many events of history and show interesting aspects of the history in an artistic way. You can see that warriors are an important part of tribal artwork and culture.
Incredible Warrior Art Examples

When you look at the many styles of paintings over time and with the passing of history, you will find that art has been a faithful record keeper of events and noting aspects of importance in interesting ways. Even when you look at the 10 most famous paintings in the history of mankind, you can see mark of the times that also includes war and warriors among other aspects.
If you have read some of the myths and stories around the olden days, you would know that the warrior clans are held in high esteem among the older cultures. This is because not only is a warrior a symbol of strength, skill, courage and bravery, there is a nobleness that is attributed to them as they are willing to sacrifice themselves for the greater good. Yes, there is a mystical quality that is attributed to warriors as they are the protectors and providers for the clan.
These qualities along with the rites of passage that they go through makes them worthy of becoming the subject of artistic endeavors. There is a certain fierce beauty and grace to the form of a warrior. This can not only be seen in their stance and features it almost becomes part of their personality. Then there is the special attire, makeup and the kind of weapons that they have that makes them distinctive. Even the sight of a warrior in full regalia can lift your spirits and make you feel courageous.
These are probably some of the qualities that makes them so worthy of the artists’ attention and efforts. What is more, the art that revolves around warriors also tells you how advanced and liberated the civilizations in the past were in that they honored and recognized women as worthy warriors. There are many ancient tribes that had women warriors because they felt women were intelligent, strong, well-versed in warfare, capable of guile, having multitasking abilities and a fierce protective instinct.
That is why the art around warriors is not only about recording what warriors looked like but also about telling us stories and narrating tales of the past without uttering a single word. It is therefore not so surprising that even today modern warfare picks out and learns many lessons from the warriors of yore.
Ancient warriors had to go through training almost from the day they were born and were made to earn their position at every stage of their training. Since times were more volatile and man had to deal with so many enemies, it makes sense that even the chiefs of tribes would be brave and clever warriors.
Do look at the many variations of warriors over the passage of time and tell us which ones tell you a story only with a glance. We would like to hear what you have to say.