Art in all its forms, has no boundaries at all and that is why the language of art has been universally understood by people across the world. In fact, there is no need for words when it comes to art as art manages to shout out its message without a voice. This voice is so clear and succinct that no art lover can ignore it when his or her interest lies in the art form that is throwing across the message. You just have to look at perfectly imperfect sculptures of Bruce Catalano to know what we mean by art putting across a message that can be heard. The effects of such inspiring works can be seen in creative public sculptures around the world.
Creative Public Sculptures Around the World
It is only such work but also works like these mini sculptures to keep you inspired can also strike you with an awe that is disproportionate to the size of the work of art. The best aspect of art is that it has no bounds even in terms of the materials used like these stunning examples of sand sculptures.
Artists, especially sculptors have been very creative with their use of public spaces and natural resources at the place they are based at. This is done not only for the fulfillment of their own creative urges or due to the demand of the people or government at the place where they are making their work of art, but also because artists revel in the joy their work provides to the public. The thing is some of the creative public sculptures that you will come across will make you just stand around and stare the sculpture to figure out what the artist was thinking when he or she created the sculpture.
There is the melting popsicle in the form of a bull that looks like it is suspended in that state forever. There are the really stunning works of Bruce Catalano that will have you not only admiring the creativity of the artist but also trying to figure out how he achieved the effect he has created. There is hand that seems to spout out of the very earth leaving you laughing and wondering.
Or the sculpture of a saint riding a dead horse that is hanging upside down. There is also the thumb that spouting out of the very ground or the tail of the shark that is jutting out of the roof of a building. We are sure that apart from filling the onlookers with awe and wonderment, these creative public sculptures will make you laugh and ponder on the motivation of the artist.
There is even a sculpture that looks as if a man has literally stuck his head into the walls of a building and is stuck there forever. The huge fork that is buried in the ground is another work of art that is public. In your endeavor to find such creative public sculptures then you will come across examples like the hanging rhino or the man who is literally hanging off a rod.

There is the really quirky depiction of a crocodile devouring a capitalist or a statue that is completely upside down. There is a man who seems to be half immersed in the river and the musician who is headless. The violinist who is literally emerging out of the ground by breaking out of it. There is even one of a huge woman whose head is stuck in a phone booth. You will understand what we mean by these statues being amusing, thought provoking and part of a conversation when you look at some of the images here.