40 Smart Space Savvy Garden Ideas

Having a garden is a luxury that is not available to everyone who has a home. In fact, having a home that you adore itself can be a luxury for many of us. When you are lucky enough to have a home of your home, you should start collecting beautiful home and furniture ideas to go about ensuring that your home has the best and most comfortable décor. We are sure most of you who are working towards getting a nice home of your own will have a collection of cool home ideas for your dream house. Most of us along with the perfectly set home, also want at the least a small patch of green and other colors to call a garden.

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Smart Space Savvy Garden Ideas

That is probably the reason that there are so many smart space savvy garden ideas around that enable you to have a garden even when you don’t have land for your garden. After all, the art of gardening and the many styles to do it is something that has been there from the times past.

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If you are one of those who has an apartment instead of your own individual house with land around with space for gardening space, then you may feel the sting of not having a garden of your own even more. But all is not, you can still have a garden using some of the smart space savvy garden ideas that we have depicted here in the form of images.

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To Ensure That You Are On The Right Path, We Give You Some Hints That Will Get You Started On Creating A Small Garden Of Your Own:

Hanging garden: A simple idea is to have a sunny portion of your verandah or balcony with many plants hanging from the ceiling. This can be a high maintenance kind of garden given that watering the plants, weeding and other gardening activities will have to be done at a height but it also makes a very pretty sight. Do ensure that the plants get the kind of sunlight and natural exposure they require.

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Jutting garden: Some people have a garden on their balcony by having a small jutting projection added to their balcony on the outside. This will need you to get permission from the builders or the building society to get done. However, once this is done, the question of sunlight and natural elements becomes less of a concern. Maintaining this garden can be relatively simple.

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Potted garden: This is probably the most conventional and oldest ideas but it had to be mentioned because it is a very effective and easy one. This can be easily achieved by arranging pots of suitable sizes and shapes based on the plants you want to have in your balcony or porch garden.

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Terrace garden: If you live on the top floor of the building, then you are likely to have access to the terrace and the portion that belongs to you can be used to cultivate in the form of a rudimentary garden. This can be slightly bigger than the balcony garden though the dimensions of the garden will depend on how much time you can spend on it and the space available to you.

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Indoor garden: In case none of the options given above does not work, then you can go for a garden composed completely of indoor plants that are planted within the home. These plants need very less or no sunlight to thrive and can very well flourish indoors.

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Do tell us what your idea for a smart space savvy garden is.