40 Best Ever Cosplay Attempts So Far

The world can clearly be divided into people who are into cosplay and those who are not and that is because that is somewhat of an all or nothing kind of thing. That is why you need to go in as deep as you can into this if you want to be in it or be someone who is completely indifferent. There are sexy examples of Hatsune Miku cosplay for you to check out and enjoy knowing more about when it comes to cosplay. It is indeed a collection of shocking and stunning examples of art where human body has been used as canvas and this can really inspire you.

What is more, you can really enjoy knowing and learning about body art and makeup with beautiful cultures from different cultures. When it comes to cosplay attempts that people have attempted so far, you have to know that a lot of work goes into it. It is not something that you look at pictures and decide to do. Most anime and cosplay characters are a lot of work.

Here Are Some Ways To Go About It:

Best Ever Cosplay Attempts So Far (1)

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Best Ever Cosplay Attempts So Far (5)

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Best Ever Cosplay Attempts So Far

Match personality and body type: All cosplay characters have distinct body types and personality and this is something no amount of makeup and costumes will correct. You will need to be brutal in your assessment of what character you can go with and go accordingly or else you are likely to end up a laughing stock which is not what you want.

Best Ever Cosplay Attempts So Far (7)

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Collect the items you want: Getting the different items of the costume and other accessories may seem simple in theory but the reality is quite different. You will need to spend time, effort and money on collecting all the items of clothing and accessories.

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Get the hair right: If you are at all into anime and cosplay, you will know that hair is a large part of it. In many cases, it will have to be you investing time and effort in getting the right wig since the hair in most cosplay characters is quite exaggerated, especially the women and it may not be possible to get hair like that naturally. Even for men, some changes have to be made to match the hair to the actual anime or cosplay character that you are portraying.

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Makeup should be studied: The thing is cosplay can be quite a painstaking process that takes a lot of effort and part of this effort for both guys as well as girls is getting the makeup right. This may sound easier than it actually is and you will need to get all efforts going to get it right.

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Get the body language right: Study how the character carries himself or herself and try to emulate this. Sometimes this single factor can make all the difference to the success or failure of the cosplay dressing that you have done. Do make it a point to study and practice before you actually attempt to dress in cosplay.

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Work on special effects: After all this is done, then all that is left is the special effects. It would be better to find a few tricks and get the help of some experts in this area, to get the special effects done for your cosplay dressing attempt.

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While the best ever cosplay attempts look amazing, not many people know or realize the efforts that go into dressing like this. Only the true aficionados have an inkling of this and go to all the pain to get things done. You too can do it provided you know what you are getting into.