Paper Decorations To Make A Party Lovely And Lively

Paper has been part of the art world without us giving conscious importance to it as a material that is used for art or art projects. But think about it; there is Origami the interesting art of folding paper to make shapes, which can produce some really good pieces of art and on the other end of the spectrum there are wallpapers that are virtual but no less artistic for all that. One has to only look at examples of wallpaper art like magic the gathering wallpapers to know the truth behind what we are saying.

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The fact is paper has been used as a raw material in art in the most imaginative ways which can be proven when you see craft ideas using newspaper that is being recycled. One cannot imagine a nice party without decorations and in most cases, the decoration comes from using colourful crepe paper done up in many ways. We are sure that the idea of using paper decorations to make a party lovely and lively holds appeal for most occasions except for those that go with other more pricey decorations like fresh flowers, expensive drapes and lights. However, the fact is art of using decorative paper to make a party look lovelier and livelier is something that we could all do well to acquire.

Lampion: Lampions in Pink

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Here Are Some Interesting Ideas On That:

Make lovely paper streamers: These can either be done in alternate colors or in the form of a clump of varied colors. Sometimes you can also take a bunch of multicolored paper ribbons and stick it in the middle of something hanging out of a ceiling and let the ribbons fall down or alternatively take the edges of the papers to form a round centerpiece. This looks really good when done from a light source in the middle.

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Make a paper chain: You can simply use short bits of paper ribbons to stick into rounds that can be looped into a paper chain. This can be done in one single color or with the use of ribbons in many colors. This adds a charming and lively look to party decorations.

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Make a paper centrepiece: You can create a nice and elaborate centrepiece made of paper  that can be stuck on the wall to make a nice decoration. This may take more skill than the basic paper chains and streamers that we have described about, but once you master the techniques for doing this, you will find that this sort of decoration adds a lot of charm to any party.

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Paper lanterns: You can take bits of stiff and thick paper to make a lantern like structure that can be hung from the ceiling. These can be made in many forms and shapes once you have the basic technique down. Soon you will be using different colored papers in combination to make these decorations.

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Cutting shapes: It is very easy to make a stencil of a shape and then place them on papers to cut them up. Once you do this, you can create a chain of these shapes or stick them in a line or some other formation. You can even alternate different shapes based on the theme of the party and arrange them accordingly.

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As you can see, that paper can be used in many avatars to make the party look lovely and feel lively. All you need to do is invest in some colored papers, a good pair of scissors and some glue. Add to this your imagination combined with some cutting skills and you have an economic and effective decoration technique.