Why do human beings love mythology and all that it holds? It is because that element of magic in them makes us believe in miracles. Myths and mythology are a means of escape into the world where the possibility of anything happening is huge. In addition, life as we know it is full of stress and having tales of mythology give us that little escape that we all need. That is why art borrows so much from the world of mythology as can be attested from the most famous sculptures across the globe..
What is more, each culture across the world has a rich storage of stories related to mythology and sometimes they have an element of truth in them as they explain different things about the past. Like in the world of Native Americans they have tales that tell us about the past and many of these myths are related to nature and how humans are deeply rooted and dependent on nature. The same way some of the mythological tales of Norse descent explain why the days of the week are named the way they are. Some of the most famous paintings in the history of mankind have also borrowed some elements from mythical lands.