We all want to be happy and have the ability to smile through life. It is something that people always strive for but often find lacking in our lives. You know the simplest and often the smallest things can make you smile. Among them can be counted Happy Valentine day’s quotes; they may be corny and clichéd but they can still be amusing and provide you a reason to smile.

The same way knowing about the 30 things to say to your love before you die will also make you smile as they can range from the amusing to the most profound feelings. Often when you receive a birthday card who knows what to write in a birthday card, you will find that reading it whenever you feel down, can make you smile.

Often we find a lot of comfort in the written word when we are feeling low. A simple quote or saying can help you feel better about ourselves. It is like having a warm blanket on us when we are feeling cold or having a bowl of comfort food when you long for it or a warm hug when you feel the need for human warmth.

Here are some Quotes To Make You Smile:
When you feel that someone is making you feel like a creep the best way to deal with the situation is to imagine that they are naked in public.

When you have a choice between laughing and crying, it is better to pick laughing
A good way to feel good about yourselves is to think of how much worse things could have been
Always imagine yourself to be a toddler when faced with new things and you will be able to get maximum enjoyment out of it.

Happiness to a new mother is when her baby sleeps through the night
Sometimes happiness lies in getting that fart out without anyone realizing that you did it
A smile on the face is the best way to confuse people when they expect you to be tensed.

Imagine that you have a constant audience when you are doing things and this will make you feel like a star
The best cure for a case of blues is to mock each of your concerns and make them seem smaller than they are.