50 Sexy Upper Thigh Tattoos For Girls

Upper Thigh Tattoos For Girls are one of the most popular and demanding among women. Tattoos are in and most people, even conservative ones are wanting to get one. When it comes to tattoos one has to look at the design; that goes without saying but also the location where they are going to get it. When you talk of location of the tattoo you need to consider some points which include:

  • How painful it will be
  • The area available for tattooing
  • The aging of the skin on that area
  • Whether you can hide the tattoo if the situation warrants

When you consider these points, then some locations that come to mind are the lower back, the upper arm and thigh. Think about it, you can hid a tattoo that is on the thigh and since the area is relatively fleshier this will make the area relatively less painful to tattoo. If you are thinking of a thigh tattoo there are a lot of exciting design possibilities. Some of the options include:

  • Matching set of tattoos on each thigh. Like two birds or two hearts or something on these lines
  • Completion tattoos, that is the tattoo starts on one thigh and the continuance of that tattoo is on the other thigh
  • You can go solo with one sexy and hot looking tattoo on just one thigh like a garter with gun or made to look like a lacy design
  • The tattoos on the thigh can be reasonably bigger in size with more detailing in the design.
  • Another advantage of a thigh tattoo is that it will not be visible to the world when you are dressed for formal occasions. You can put it on display only when you want it to be seen. So you can go in for a racy tattoo design if you desire.


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If you are considering an upper thigh tattoo, you will have to consider that though the area is great for tattoo being fleshy and relatively large; it is also an area that is subject to changes over time. Nevertheless, on the plus side, the thigh area is not something that is always on display, which means if you are working in a conservative profession, then you need not bother about the tattoo being seen. So go ahead and look at some free tattoo stencils and know more about them to get an idea about all the design possibilities that you can go for

Upper thigh tattoos For Girls

Rose Tattoo

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Upper Thigh Tattoos For Girls (8)

The concept of upper thigh tattoos has much merit as it is in the part of a body that a girl would conceal in most official situations. That is not to say that girl thigh tattoos are never displayed and in fact, can be displayed to the best advantage when the girl in question wears a nice pair of shorts or a swimsuit, which makes it such a sexy idea. In fact, a girl thigh tattoo with the right design like a garter belt or even an etched tattoo design can be the ultimate turn on. In addition, upper thigh tattoos have the advantage of being in an area where the place for tattooing is pretty generous which means that girl thigh tattoos can be as expansive as you want them to be. However, while you consider design ideas for upper thigh tattoos, do also consider that the skin in this part of the body changes with the change in age and this is likely to affect the look of the tattoo.