To get started you need an assortment of crayons, some thick paper, glue, a source of heat for melting the crayons and some waste paper to prevent things getting messy. You can also have a few containers or dishes of smaller size that you can use to pour in the melted crayon and de-mold it in different shapes. If you really want to get this project going keeps some bobbles, sequins and some interesting bits and pieces that you can put on top of the crayon artwork to create a really unique work of art.
The thing about working with melted crayons can only be limited by your imagination. You can even make a painting using the melted crayons. All you need to do is figure out what colors and blend of colors you want for your painting. Another thing to get your art project going is having a source of heat that can be used without damaging the color of the crayon. That means this needs to be adjustable. Here are some beautiful Examples of Melted Crayon Art.
Crayon Art
melted crayon zebra
Life in Colour
Melted Crayon Art
Crayon Melt Art
My Bleeding Heart
A Flowing Spectrum
Melted Lady
Crayons art
Crayons art numero dos
melting crayons
Crayons art 5, rainy days
Crayon art 6 Autumn colours
Melting crayon silhouette
Commission Crayon Art
Melted Crayon Art (Batman Logo)
Melted Crayon Art Wolf Version
My first crayon melting art..
melted crayon art
Crayon Heart
Color the world
Crayon Art 2
“Crayon Fingers”
Phantom of the Opera Crayon Art
Crayon melting
Heart Crayon Melting
New form of Crayon Art
Melted Crayon Flower
Crayon Rain