20 Impressive Coffee leaf Paintings

While reading the title itself, you will feel amazed and curious right! The first question that strikes your mind is, “Is it possible to paint with the leftover coffee?” The answer is: Yes, you can! The coffee spills lay perfectly well on the watercolor paper and creating a painting with coffee will make your workplace smell like you’re in the coffee heaven or in a coffee shop till the painting dries.

Impressive Coffee leaf Paintings

In this tutorial guide, I am going to discuss Impressive Coffee Leaf Paintings. Before that let me teach you how to make your first coffee painting.

Materials Required:

  • Instant Coffee


  • Water


  • Pencil


  • Watercolor Paper


  • A Set of Brushes for Drawing


  • Paper Scotch


  • A Color Palette for Mixing Coffee


Are you ready with all the materials required? Now follow the step-by-step procedure given below:

Step #1: Be ready with paper, a glass of clean water and a flat brush. You can choose a paper of any size as per your wish. Before start painting, set the workplace somewhere in the sub for faster drying or in case, if you are working indoor, you need to use blow driers to speed up the drying process.



Step #2: Take a paper and secure it in the drawing board with scotch tape and then start painting. First, take the flat brush, dip it in the water and fill the paper until it is glimmering.



Step #3: Now, lay down a light hue of coffee paint on your paper. Before the paint dries, drop in more blobs of coffee painting. Do this randomly till you get a perfect background texture.



Step #4: Now allow the paint to dry for few minutes and then draw the outline of what you wish to get painted (here I’ve chosen wilt leave) using pencil very lightly. Now use the coffee spills to paint the leaf. Since the leaf is dry, leave spaces to show as the leaf is torn.



Step #5: Now it comes to painting the veins of the leaf. Don’t paint dark line all through the leaf, rather start as dark and lighten the veins as it reaches the end. This makes the leaf to look real



Step #6: Now take some clean water, dip the brush in it and paint above the main vein. Paint with coffee at random places, this helps to make the painting more realistic. To show the leaf as torn, make sure you paint a bit darker.




That’s all…. You have done with your first coffee painting!

Using the same procedure, you can create almost all types of paintings. The only thing you need to change is the drawing. For here, I have used the drawing that portrays dried torn leaf.

The painting has got plenty of ideas and imagination and it does not need one to be the master of art as any beginner can perform painting. Here, make sure to start with some basic techniques and tips. Liked the creative idea of using coffee to paint? Is it something you have tried? Share your experience here as we always welcome feedback from our readers. Sharing this post with our artist friends will surely help them.