40 Realistic Dollhouse Installations For a Virtual Experience

If you have had a childhood that was part of the nineties, then you would know what we are talking about when we say that one of the things that we always longed for is a dollhouse. The dollhouse would be one thing that most kids would want to have even today if only they knew how much fun it can be and it would probably take them away from their constant use of devices like tablets and laptops. Do make sure that you tell them the good aspects of playing with dolls and not things like disturbing doll art crafts, which will stay in your mind. Once you get yourself and your family involved in realistic dollhouse installations for a virtual experience, you can be sure that they will love adding new objects and decorations to them from time to time and spend a lot of time creating new things to put in the dollhouse.

Realistic Dollhouse Installations For a Virtual Experience

And when they are slightly bigger, you can push them to move on from only realistic dollhouse installations for a virtual experience, do the same thing with Miniature tree house ideas to mesmerize you. After all what are treehouses but dollhouses in a larger scale but in a more natural environment?  This will probably push them to then move on to beautiful bird house designs that you will fall in love with even if you live in the middle of the city.

We would like to draw your memory on to a particular episode of Friends when Monica does not allow Phoebe to put her dog, her ghost and other bits and pieces in the dollhouse she inherited because it is not up to scale and it does not fit. While we don’t want you to be as picky as Monica was, we suggest that you do not try to do to the dollhouse what Phoebe did, which is put things in that did not fit. What we mean by this is that you need to have dollhouse that is touchable and which you can enjoy redecorating. After a dollhouse is something that you play with, right?

But at the same time do not go overboard and put things in the dollhouse like Phoebe did because it will spoil the look and feel of the dollhouse. We mean that keep creating new bits and pieces to put in your dollhouse but make sure they are to scale and really do not add a disturbing element to the whole scene. You can also use bit and pieces of the upholstery of the home to make furniture covers for your dollhouse to make the experience more virtual. If you are having your family and friends working on and playing with the elements of the dollhouse, then it is a good idea to have to them work with you to ensure a nice and harmonious look.

The best part is that it does not always have to be a conventional house with one side open, but one that has only three sides covered, which is the sides and top with the front and back open. In fact, having an open dollhouse like this will make it very charming to look at and play with, not to mention ease the movement of decorations and elements in the dollhouse. If you are really smart, you can add shiny surfaces in the place of light fixtures that will make it seem like bulbs and lighting when the light reflects off them. We are sure that there are many sites online that will allow you to buy the kind of decorations to make your dollhouse look even better.