40 DIY Match Box Art Ideas For Kids

If you are the kind of person who hates to waste anything that comes from your home, then you will just love this article. And then if you want to inculcate this habit in the young ones at home, have them give full freedom to their creativity and encourage them to do simple projects without involving much technology, then this project will have you doing a small victory dance. We are talking about using the simple and humble matchbox to create art that is cute, quaint and creative enough to have you dreaming up more ideas in the near future. If you are the kind that finds looking at mini sculptures to keep you inspired, then you are definitely going to love this art project. With the help of this article and the many images we are giving you, you can make some inroads into the world of matchbox art and enjoy involving your kids in this project.

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Today, we all feel that kids have become too involved in the virtual world and not enough in the real world. In fact, the need of the hour is to ensure that our kids do not lose touch with simple projects that have them using their own brains, senses and hands rather than resort to some app to do the thinking for them. It is not like the earlier years, where kids had to completely rely on their ingenuity and imagination to come up with means to keep then entertained. No longer is the world of miniature toys to make you squeal with joy enough for kids today. But all is not lost and you can ensure that your kids are involved in such projects to get them going in the right direction.

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DIY Match Box Art Ideas For Kids

Now that we have given you enough food for thought on why we think DIY match box art ideas for kids is such a worthy project, let us also give you some pointers on how to get started.

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The first thing that you need to do is collect matchboxes that you can use and in this regard, we feel that you should go with boxes that are on the bigger side as these will be easier to handle, at least in the beginning. Then you will need to figure out ways to ensure that the chemical coating on the side of the matchbox is removed and you can do this by using emory paper. Then we suggest that you work on collecting supplies like bits of colored paper, odd bits of clothing, small buttons, small toys, plastic animals, flowers, glue, beads, and bits of lace, etc. The supplies you will need for such projects will depend on what you want to make.

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But if you are at a loss as to what to do, then we suggest with something as simple as a chest of drawers. It goes without saying that the basic structure of the match box lends itself naturally to that of drawers that you would see in your drawer or wardrobe. You can start with stacking matchboxes of the same size one on top of the other. You can actually and carefully stick the matchboxes in a stack. You can either cover the complete chest of drawers with a bit of cloth or paper to make it look like one unit. If you are really in the mind for a complicated project, then you can thread a bit of thread like a loop on each drawer part of the matchbox to form a handle to pull it open.

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This is just one of the projects that is possible using matchboxes but we described this in detail so that you can see the potential of the kind of arts and crafts that is possible with matchboxes. You can even put together a mini cupboard by having the top portion of the outing portion of the matchbox cut open to form a drawer and sticking bits of cardboard inside to make shelves. You can start the project by asking your kids to give you ideas and writing them down. Add your own ideas to this list and then work on collecting the supplies that you will require for this project.