40 Original Light Bulb Aquarium Decor Ideas

If you are a parent, then you will know what we mean when we say that summer holidays can be a mixed blessing. There is the fact that you don’t have to get up in the morning to prepare their lunch boxes and get them going for school and that too after forcing them to get dressed and finish their breakfast. Add to this the pressure of last minute homework and picking out all the belongings they would need for the school. Getting rid of all these things would mean that you can escape the pressure of school mornings. But this also means that you have the pressure of having to come up with small projects for the kids to do. Otherwise, you will have the kids whining about not having enough to do or getting too attached to their smart devices, which is not a smart thing to happen all the time. That is why you need some benign projects like creative cardboard projects to keep your kids engaged if they are below 7 years old. However, for slightly older kids you will have to come up with something that is more involved and one of them could be original light bulb aquarium décor ideas.

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Original Light Bulb Aquarium Decor Ideas (4)

Original Light Bulb Aquarium Decor Ideas (5)

What is a light bulb aquarium? It is simply what it states – an aquarium that is created in the interior of an old bulb with decorations and embellishments like you would have in a real aquarium only to scale to fit in. You can fill the aquarium with water and talk to your local pet shop to get a fish that will fit in. Alternatively, if you feel that it is too cruel to keep a fish however small in this bulb aquarium, then you can add small toy fish inside and create an aquarium like feel and look. It could be one of the ideas for your kid’s dream bedroom and we are sure that the kid will love having such aquariums around. And giving the responsibility to a kid to make and maintain a small aquarium in their bedroom can be a good way on how to encourage your kids to keep their rooms clean.

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Original Light Bulb Aquarium Decor Ideas (11)

Original Light Bulb Aquarium Decor Ideas

The images given here for light bulb aquariums, will probably be enough to trigger your imagination about how to decorate your light bulb aquarium. We are sure that when we show your kids these images, they will be raring to go and get started. But before you jump in and start the project, do define the process by which you will get the aquarium started and also advise your kids on how to keep the aquarium looking good at all times.

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Original Light Bulb Aquarium Decor Ideas (25)

Original Light Bulb Aquarium Decor Ideas (26)

Original Light Bulb Aquarium Decor Ideas (8)

Since we are talking about something as small as a bulb serving as an aquarium, everything will have to be on scale to the size of the bulb. The first thing that you need to do is figure out how to remove the holder of the bulb without spoiling the bulb or cracking it. Then you need to clear out all the wires and other things inside the bulb. While you are on this process, do ensure that your kids take enough precautions so that there are no cuts and gashes when this is being done. Then figure out a way to have a lid placed on the bulb once you have created the aquarium. If you are planning to keep an actual fish inside, then you have to figure out how to have an air supply going for the fish to breathe. The next step is to figure out how to have the aquarium standing or hanging without falling down and breaking.

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Once you have figured out the details of this aspect, then comes the pleasurable part of how to decorate the bulb aquarium. Since we are talking about a really miniature aquarium, then we figure out that it is better to have the decorations stuck in place so that things are not disturbed if you have to move the aquarium about.   You will find that having a miniature bulb aquarium will make your home look interesting even if you do not have a real fish inside. Hope you and your kids enjoy working on this project.