The Art Of Making Your Friendship Known By Friendship Necklaces

Have you ever felt that maintaining good relations with people around you is an art? It is, when you look at it with a keen eye, you will realize the truth behind what we are saying. While there are many relationships in our life that just happen through the accident of birth, friendship is the one relationship that we choose to have and it is probably this factor that makes friendships so precious. That is why you have days and rituals that celebrate this special relationship. If you are wondering how this connects to art, then in this instance the connection to art comes from friendship necklaces. The making of friendship necklaces are an art form that is very creative and satisfying. It comes under the purview of the art of making jewelry and getting to know about it.

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The fact that friendship necklaces are worn by two or more friends who want to bind their relationship in a unique manner means that it is not necessary for the jewelry to be precious. In fact using one of the delightful handmade jewelry ideas to try for yourself would be a delightful way to go about it. It could be a project that the whole group could try to do together. In fact you can even try cool steam punk art ideas which will blow your mind when it comes to creating a suitable friendship necklace for your gang of friends to wear.

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The more you think  about it, we are sure that the more ideas you will get for friendship necklaces. This could range from the noble to the ridiculous.

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Here Are Some Ideas For You To Wrap Your Mind Around When It Comes To Friendship Necklaces:

Pieces of the pie: Often friends like to believe that they are only part of one whole and feel complete only when they are united. This thinking can be made into a necklace for all the friends to wear and feel as if they are together in spirit even when they are parted physically.

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The minion bits: Minions are cute and they are so irresistible to look at and this can be the common thread that runs through a friendship. Then why not have minion themed necklaces made for all the friends to wear and smile at whenever they look at it.

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Parts of a heart: This is a theme that is common with lovers but probably better fated of coming true when it comes to most friendships. Friends often believe that in their hearts they are one and that is depicted in the friendship necklaces.

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Cookie parts that fit: The cookie is something cute like a cupcake and having a bits of cookies or cake or some such other thing that fit together when put side by side can be made as the theme of the friendship necklaces.

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Theme based: This could be anything from words to form a complete sentence or pac man or for that matter any other theme that the friends associate with each other like a game or movie etc.  These can make an interesting and not to mention attractive friendship necklace to wear as a group.

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From the images given here, we are sure that you can glean the many types of friendship necklaces that you can design and make for you and your friends. We are sure that some of you already have some form of friendship symbols that make you feel closer to each other and apart from the rest of the world. If you  don’t mind, do share some of these with us.