The neck is a lovely area of the body not only because of the utilitarian value it provides by supporting the head. The neck is also considered a delicate and beautiful part of the body in both the genders, since it is a subtly sexy part of the body. What is more the neck is mostly visible at all times and this also makes it a good site for tattoo. That being said, do consider that space in this part of the body is limited and the area is also delicate and sensitive, which is why it makes sense to have a small and sexy neck tattoo rather than a big one. When it comes to getting a tattoo, the first step logically speaking, should be thinking about the long term implications of it. Then comes the reason behind the tattoo and then the design of the tattoo. You can start by looking at cute tiny tattoos to ink to start with.
Small and Sexy Neck Tattoos For 2016
There are many neck tattoo designs for male and female that you can take a look at to solve this dilemma. When it comes to a smaller space like the neck, you can think of smaller designs like lily flower tattoos for girls along with the design and meaning choices.
Here Are Some Points To Consider While Getting Small And Sexy Neck Tattoos:
Small and powerful: The neck area is such that you cannot really plan on a huge tattoo with too many details. This means that you can have a smaller tattoo but this does not mean that it cannot be powerful. In fact, the size of the tattoo does not have any impact on the powerful punch that it packs.
Back or front: The back of the neck where it connects with the back via the shoulders is a very nice point for having a tattoo done. This is a nice place for a tattoo that is easy enough to conceal either with a collar or with hair hanging down. The front of the neck is tougher to conceal even if you wish to do so. This is one point to consider when you are considering a neck tattoo. But the other factors also include the fact that the neck is a delicate area and consists of bones which need to be handled with care during the tattooing process.

Conceal or reveal: Before considering a neck tattoo, do spend a lot of time on why you want the tattoo. Also remember that the tattoo is something that is permanent and very difficult to reverse which should be a point to consider while getting a neck tattoo. That apart, you also have to think about whether it would be prudent to conceal or reveal a neck tattoo in your professional or personal life.
Extended or minimal: We have already talked about the neck area providing a limited scope for having a tattoo on. But on the other hand, the neck connects to the chest, shoulders and the back. This means that the scope to have an extended tattoo is also very much possible. You will need to consider whether you are going to get a minimal tattoo or have an extended tattoo.
We are sure that apart from the points we have given, you will also find that the images given here give you an idea about the scope of designs that is possible on the neck area. It is not necessary that you pick one of the designs given here as it is but rather use the one you like to come up with something of your own.