Art Of Weaving And Some Interesting Aspects Of It

We all wear clothing on a daily basis, use it for upholstering furniture around the house, use them as bedclothes, and hang drapes and many other things that use fabrics. But rarely do we spend any time thinking about where the cloth came from or what the process for making it could have come from. Actually in the earlier days, clothing would be woven by hand and each piece of clothing used to have a source that people used to know about.  While we are even today interested in aspects of fabrics like how to remove paint from clothes and practical things like that but other than that not much interest is given to the source of the fabric unless it is a specially made piece of cloth. Did you know there are many people who knew how to weave a basket in the past?

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Today we even have clothing with machine embroidery to enhance the look of it and this has fast overtaken the charm of handmade clothing along with embroidery that was done by hand. But today this may not always be the case. Though there are some people who still do things like tie and dye work on fabrics, this is no longer that common either. But there is a certain charm to weaving fabrics, and this is something that people of this generation ought to know more about. Weaving with yarn is something that will soothe you and make you feel creative.

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The art of weaving we assume must have started at a very basic level when people could no longer go with the idea of wearing leaves, feathers and animal skin. But since the very basic stages of weaving clothing there must surely have been a move towards this lighter form of garments. Of course the art of weaving must have evolved into different types of threads like the ones made of cotton, made of silk and the threads made of wool. This would depend on the area that the person was creating the clothing for. Now if you want to weave, you can go to a shop that provides art materials and pick something out.

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As with any human activity, things change and evolve as time progresses. Soon people were experimenting with coloring the cloth that they weaved and then moving on to coloring the thread they used to weave. In many oriental cultures, the use of silk by the royals is a well-known fact. As far as use of flax, cotton or jute was concerned these would have evolved in places where there was need for lighter fabric in the hotter climates. Even today there are many countries that weave clothing by hand and these handlooms are priced heavily since they are valued a lot. Weaving with yarn can also provide you some clothing that is one of a kind.

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The thing about hand woven clothing is that you can be sure that it is unique and the efforts of the artist show in the fabric that comes out of weaving. The art of weaving woolen clothing must have surely evolved in colder places where there was a need to have warmer clothing. Have you considered that even flat weave rugs can be made by this process?

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Apart from all the beautiful and art like clothing that is created by weaving, the art of weaving is also something that is supposed to have therapeutic effects. Many people have actually reported that learning the art of weaving and using a loom has made them feel better about the many things that bother them.

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Since we have explained some of the aspects involved in the art of weaving, you will be better able to appreciate the value of clothing that is handmade. Sure, it may not be as refined and well finished as the clothing that is woven from machines, but you can be sure that it is a piece of art that you are wearing. That is the beauty of handmade and well woven clothing. The art of weaving may not be that mainstream but it is something that offers a lot of value.